Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If you feel like praying, thinking, questioning, reading, growing or knowing more about God, you should check out the project we've been working on for the past few weeks. ("we" being many of my sweet friends and the handsome photographer and me, too). Tonight I posted our first of eight family activities, check it out HERE.

1 comment:

John Olvera said...

June 16th 2010 I discoverd and trusted in god and gained such faith that i now speak fro the heart for it never tells a lie and i have told a story of mine when once i was held tightly by a demons oven warm hands.I love every bit of your post about spreading the faith of our creator i wish to do the same but may i have your faithful opion on my story i recently told so bold I became for now im out there and speak of truth and great blessings i wish to be gifted i dont believe it was coincidence that i came upon your blog.You have my support and be in my prayers for what a goodness sake change you have started i wish to follow as you preach so that i can as well preach and teach to all the great and almighty love of god and how such impossible things can be achieved with faith and hope especially if you believe!our creator is always with our beings and achange for good is definite thing that needs to be done and i see a start of it here righteous path you lay for for someone to follow definetly got my attention.I believe you make a great change i have faith in your project that only good can come from it please read the story i want to tell in all truth I was freed from addiction that lasted seven years and ever since i held and read the bible its gospel gave me the strentgh to change for the good and walk a righteous path please only moment of your time I pray for your view on such astory.May God give you the strenghtto press forward and make a much needed change of good ways and no more of demonic essence.