Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Julia on your third birthday,
I will never forget the night we met. It was a cold December evening. You were pink and warm and I was tired but happy. Your hands were outstretched and your eyes were wide. It was love at first site. There was never a bit of tension or discomfort between us, we knew we were meant to be together. You cuddled up in my arms and there you stay to this day.
I would hold you for 3 times 33 times 333 more years if I could. But for now I count my blessing for our first 3 years together, and pray for tomorrow, and the next day, too.

I love the way you make me laugh, and the way you make me think. I love when you sing and when you are very still in my arms. I love, love, love the way you pray so quietly and thoughtfully to yourself. I love that you sang yourself "Happy Birthday" to fall asleep last night. I love that you don't back down. I love that you love me.
May your next year on this crazy earth be blessed. May you learn to love more and may you be loved. May you grow and learn and dance so much. May you know every minute of everyday that God loves you, Daddy loves you, and Mommy loves you SO much. You are my baby forever, even if three seems oh so big.
I love you,

1 comment:

Kari said...

Tears. And then a smile ... she sang herself "Happy Birthday". So precious.