Friday, July 31, 2009

Driving home from a super productive morning with the engi-nerds I thought it might be wise to spend some one-on-one time with my 'big girl'. She is so independent and 'big' that she doesn't get nearly the cuddles and love her littler version receives. I called B, he thought a Mommy-Date with C and a Daddy-Date with J sounded splendid. So, as my car pulled in the garage two beaming little faces threw the door open to meet me.
And so it went.
C thought perhaps "Chipotle to start, and then maybe we can go to a SLIDE place with SLIDES!" - but after Chipotle all she got was Walmart, no slides. Bummer. But she absolutely could not live without the new Crayola 3-D chalk because "Mommy! This is on TV!"
J could not decide where to go, all she knew is she wanted "macaroni" so B suggested HyVee and she was more than satisfied. He told her when they were done she could pick out a special candy to which she sweetly said "I share with Kia [Carolyn in Julia speak] and Mommy!" And she did.


Anna said...

carolyn's bows are so cute!! & as i look at those pictures of julia i can imagine what she might possibly have been talking about. she is too stinking funny.

Melanie Jackel (Shields) said...

Hi Katie! I just recently stumbled upon your blog... It's absolutely adorable- what a beautiful family!