Saturday, July 18, 2009

The air is unseasonably cool and some great friends called and asked if we wanted to go walking at the local park. Jules had already stripped down from the days attire, so we started on outfit number two and headed down the road.
Walking and talking and being entertained by C with elaborate singing is free (or at least until she signs her big contract). We are really getting into this 'free' thing - turns out its not half-bad.
The girls wore down at the half-way point of the walk, as if there is any better time to insist on being held than half-way done. But their exhaustion was justified after a fun morning with Grandma Peg and a trip 'to town' for ice cream and fabric on Mass. Street in Lawrence. They sang their lungs out the whole way home and, therefore, deserved to hitch a ride along the walking path.

Besides singing non-stop, C also picked a huge bouquet of wild flowers...

I've got a call into God about freezing time, I'd do today over many more times

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