Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday's Fond Memory
fun with Christopher

[A little late again, I've been off my game lately] This weekend my little brother moved away to go to grad school in Madison. While the amazing technology of internet (thank you Al!) and cell-phone keep him just a text-message-away, I am still sad that he can't stop by for dinner, or meet me in Westport for lunch anymore. At the same time I'm so proud of him and all that he has done, and is yet to do. So, I had to share this photo of my brother and me. We were about five and three, all decked out for an afternoon of playing 'house', notice the oversized shoes. My brother has always been great with going along with whatever hair-brain scheme I came up with. He was a fantastic playmate for a bossy older sister! Playing 'house' has gotten more serious as of late, but he still entertains my silly ideas and now is a great playmate to my two little (bossy) girls.

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