Sunday, June 15, 2008

what a weekend...
This was a whirlwind weekend for this party of four. We spent Friday in Lawrence, had a big surprise birthday party on Saturday night, and went to three different Father's Day celebrations today! Some of the highlights are as follows:
-Saturday morning we helped prep my grandma's pool for the Father's Day shindigs. We decided to hop in and found out that Jules LOVES to swim. She and my aunt had a fantastic time splashing and twirling in the water together. Within about a half-hour of getting acclimated, Jules was ready for her to let-go so she could float in the ring by herself [check out all of the photos by clicking here]
- At my uncle's surprise party on Saturday night there was a large yellow lab with only three legs (there was an unfortunate accident a few years ago). After she got comfortable with the crowd, Carolyn wandered over to a table of my uncle's co-workers and said "Hey! Did you know I ate that dog's leg? And my tummy is SO full!"
- My grandpa got a Wii for Father's Day. Watching my Grandpa bowl I realized that for all of the yuck that goes with technology, the fact that my Grandpa can bowl in the comfort of his living room without having to contend with stinky shoes is amazing. Don't get me wrong, my Grandpa could totally still brave the bowling alley, and probably the tennis court for that matter (this man is unstoppable) but it is nice that he and my Grandma can now have a date night without leaving their home. I guess the Wii is very popular in nursing homes for this reason. And that, my friend, is brilliant.
- We celebrated my little cousins thirteenth birthday. I remember when I heard she'd been born...I was in HIGH SCHOOL [consequently I was being picked up from a cross country camp, which if you know me at all you know that could not have been a successful camp for Katie, but that is another story...perhaps a Friday's Not-So-Fond Memory]. Good Lord I feel OLD.

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