Thursday, May 1, 2008

just now, being overheard in the other room...
[back story, Trevor the mouse died a few days ago. Hmmm, how did I not blog that? Oh yeah, we were hemoraging bodily fluids by the toilet-full, I remember now...]
C: Daddy!?! Can I see Trevor!?!
B: No, Carolyn, he's dead
C: Do you think he's scared? [it's storming outside]
B: No, he's dead
C: Yeah, but is he scared?
B: No, he's dead
C: But is he SCAY-YURD? (sound it out, it will make sense)
B: No, he's dead
C: Daddy!?! Is he pretend???
Cleary neither the permenance of death, nor the fictionality of 'pretend' have hit home.

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