Wednesday, April 23, 2008

C wants TAP shoes, she wants them bad. She went to a dance class tonight, and half-way through all the girls donned their taps and began frantic, unscripted tapping. She was entranced...I, on the other hand, not so much. I was not impressed with the "Making the Team" atmosphere (Dallas Cowboy cheerleading audition reality show, in case you're lost). I felt like they yelled at the girls (three and four-year-olds) too harshly, but perhaps I don't understand the 'dance' atmosphere. Needless to say, I'm going to explore what other studios are out there. But, the best part of the evening was when we got in the car and Carolyn said ever so sweetly, "Mommy...I thought I was going to DANCE!?!" I guess stretching and following strict routines is not her thing, go figure.

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