Wednesday, October 17, 2007

J had her 10-month check-up today
(thrilling, I know, and this is why you check my blog daily!)

she got a great review, healthy and happy
she is now weighing 21lbs. 3oz. (75%)
and is 30 inches long (95%) a tall girl!

contrast that with Carolyn at this age...

she only weighed 17lbs. 10oz. (20%)
and was 28 1/2 inches long (65%)
though the healthy and happy part still applied


Matt and Jen said...

Yay for happy and healthy Schultz baby girls! So cute... can't wait to see them again. It is neat compairing their pictures- way to go for being on top of that mom! Hope to see you guys soon! - Jen

Becky said...

"She is now weighing 21lbs. 3oz. (75%) and is 30 inches long (95%) a tall girl!"

Yea, that's pretty sums up Laney's stats too. :)
