Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baptism night has got to be one of the highlights of our year. Our whole church gathers at the "beach" (and for us land-locked Midwesterners this totally counts as "beach"), and we witness the baptism of friends and family. It is sacred and sand-covered at the same time, joyful and totally marvelous. Next year Julia wants to be baptized, she pretty much has told everyone she comes in contact with including every woman in the dance studio lobby tonight. She is very much my deep thinker, and when asked why she thinks she should be baptized she is quick with a very matter-of-fact response, "To be part of God's Kingdom! And cause I love Jesus!"... Alrighty then.

It should be noted that when she told her sister, "Carolyn! Next year I'M going to get baptized", Carolyn simply replied "Where are the cookies? Don't they have cookies at this thing?"... Alright then again.

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