Thursday, June 10, 2010

We are in wedding countdown mode yet again, and this time its my little brother's turn to get hitched. Part of the tasks I've been assigned is gathering wedding pictures of previous generations. This is a treat because I love photos and I love my fam!
Top is my Grandma who passed away a few years ago and my handsome Grandpa who was on leave with the Navy over Christmas when they wed so long ago. I miss her.
Middle is my Grandma and Grandpa in a little Catholic church in Nebraska. My Grandpa was in the Marines and they also got married in the winter, my Grandma's dress was velvet and the waist measured about 12 inches I swear (I've seen it in person, its insane).
Probaby my favorite is below. My great grandparents looking very hip and cosmopolitan. The dress, the hat, the *glasses* and my grandfather's eyes, its all stunning.
PS - I think its only fitting that all of the women who came before me wore glasses. This explains the nerdiness of me and my lovely little sister Anna who continue the tradition even today.

1 comment:

Michele said...

What a fun project. I love old family photos.