Thursday, October 8, 2009

6 a.m. seems cruel and early as the rain falls outside my window. The night was cut short by an imagined - yet very mean - monkey. Julia could not sleep with this mean monkey lurking in her imagination, so we were not allowed the privledge either. Thankfully this monkey is unable to operate a simple door-knob so she was very satisfied when we finally shut the bedroom door and were able to drift back into dreamland.
My dreams were no help, though the mean monkey thankfully did not make an appearance. My latest dream theme has been about finding my way around a large confusing building similar to a 70s dorm or my old Junior High School. I don't fit in with the strange crowd that also wanders the hall, and it is always dark, not like I'm blind dark, just dusk dark. Confused? Me too.
I wake up late because the little snooze button on the side of my cell phone keeps nudging its way toward my willing finger. Makeup and hair (pony tail) go on quickly and soon I am blasting NPR and making my way to the cube.
Ten hours, two tweets, one great lunch with a sweet friend, and plenty of spreadsheet fun later and I'm heading home. The handsome one lets me defrag into his ear for the majority of my rainy drive. And at last I am home.
No sign of the monkey as I slip into jeans, and curse the day dress pants were invented. Everytime I slip them off I swear they're never going back on, but then Monday and its cruel dress code seem to mock me soon enough.
I head to the in-laws to pick up the girls from a day of fun with Grandma. We cuddle and eat and wrestle and laugh. I exhale a long, slow no-more-work breath and think about how I am going to go to bed early tonight ...after I blog of course.

1 comment:

Anna Ander said...

Oh, I hear ya! Due to crazy days at work I've decided to work full time in October (usually both of us work 80 %). I've done it before, in fact I've done it a lot more than I've done the part time, but this time it's killing me. Seeing this little of my family is terrible. So I definitely hear ya about the six am and the dress pants!