Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Afternoon at My House
1) Valentine carnations - brought home from the grocery, they made the girls' day
2) Valentine card project - stay tuned for the final product...
3) Chocolate chip cookies - Super Bowl Party? Let's bring cookies... Breakfast? Let's make cookies... Lunch? Cookies sound great ... Dinner? I feel like 'cookies tonight!' 'cookies tonight!'
4) Twitter machine - the cell phone is always near incase a tweet pops in my mind, you never know when the tweet-factory might produce
5) Book order - Scholastic lives and the tissue paper pages still hound me to spend my budget on all of the wonders of children's literature
6) Food Magazines - Someday I will cook more, and when that day comes I will have thousands of pages from beautiful magazines under my belt to my benefit

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