Tuesday, December 9, 2008

C was off to school, pre-snow, and thrilled to find the white blanket upon her exit. While C was away J and I loaded two more boxes full of Mexico-bound-Christmas-goodies and hauled them to the UPS store {I hope your local UPS store is as friendly and wonderful as mine, we're on a first name basis and the manager sits on the floor and talks to J, giving her candy and hugs the whole time}. C convinced me that a 'craft' before lunch was in order, so we made glow-in-the-dark stickers from a RoseArt craft kit she'd received at her birthday. Then feasted on a lunch of pita chips and hummus, J ate the hummus, C ate the chips, they make a good pair.

Mid-way through lunch I realized that the girls have slowly migrated from total opposite sides of the table to squeezing their two chairs beside eachother, enjoying eachother's company through every meal/snack/craft time. And that makes me happy.

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