Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Baby Shower was on the agenda for the day,
Brandon's sister is expecting a beautiful baby very shortly
so we celebrated with delicious desserts and punch and gifts of course
I think it went swimmingly,
though pre-shower I was getting a little tense...
At Hy-Vee picking up last-minute necessities
C: Can I have a balloon?
K: [ignoring]
C: Can I have a balloon?
K: Not today Carolyn
C: Why not!?! Can I have a balloon?
K: [ignoring]
C: Can I have a balloon!?! Mommy!?! Can I have a balloon? Can I have a balloon!?! Can I have a BALLOON!?!
K: Ask me again and you will never get another balloon your whole life
{old lady behind me in line lifts eye brows, I nominate myself for Mother-of-the-Year}

{see all the fun here}

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